Calming Bath Salts for Kids
It is no secret that we are always looking for calming recipes and tools around here. When you have a child that is full of energy and has trouble calming himself down, you will try almost anything people throw out there. One calming suggestion that always comes up in our sensory group is epsom salts. Epsom Salts are known as the universal calming bath salts for kids , which is why we want to share some of our favorite calming recipes . Calming Bath Salts with Orange and Lavender Essential Oils " width="800" height="1200" /> * This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. Click here for my full disclosure. As I mentioned before, we have tried all sorts of calming strategies and tools with our family. For the last two years, we have run a sensory support group for parents and educators to have a place to learn more about sensory processing and how to help their children with every day life. One of the common threads in the group, is the use ...