Waiting for Hot Water | GreenBuildingAdvisor.com
Over the past several weeks, I’ve written about water conservation as a strategy for saving energy and examined a number of water heating options . This week, we’ll look at the issue of water waste while waiting for hot water and what to do about it. Here’s the problem: Most of us waste a lot of water waiting for hot water to reach a sink or shower. In a large house, it’s not unusual for 50 feet of piping—or more—to extend from the water heater to the most distant fixtures. And with 50 feet of pipe, it can take a long time for hot water to reach the tap; while waiting all the water goes down the drain. How long you have to wait for hot water depends on three factors: the distance from the water heater, the diameter of the piping, and the flow rate. The effect of distance is pretty obvious: the further hot water has to flow, the longer it will take to get there. With a new house, you can keep plumbing runs short by locating bathrooms and the kitchen near each other. The effects of pip...