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It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that water procedures are both pleasant and useful. Even a normal shower relieves stress, invigorates, and improves mood. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that a good shower brings to body. Water can cure many diseases and even prevent their occurrence. But, unfortunately, when it comes to official medicine, hydrotherapy is not too common. However, it is widely used in beauty parlors and SPA-salons. There, water is considered an indispensable assistant in the fight against obesity and cellulite. In this article, we’ll talk about water therapy for weight loss.

Water therapy for weight loss

Water massage

Today, more clinics are making use of underwater and water therapy massage for weight loss. It is a pleasant procedure, which relaxes muscles, has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, and battles excess weight.

The pleasant warm water and massage relieve back pain, muscle spasms, and reduce stress and anxiety. The high temperature in the bathroom helps strengthen the immune system. It helps to fight against a variety of diseases, from viral infection to more serious problems.


Warm water therapy for weight loss allows for skin cleansing, removal of dead cells, and getting rid pollution. This procedure is an effective way to combat cellulite and small fat deposits. It gives the skin an excellent healthy appearance, stimulates the production of collagen in cells, increases its elasticity, and smoothens age wrinkles. Areas of skin that have insufficient circulation of blood get a healthy and beautiful appearance as a result of a regularly conducted water therapy.

An analysis carried out by specialists in the field of physiology showed that hot water with a temperature of 40°C and mixed with water massage causes an acceleration of metabolism by 30%.

The ethereal anti-cellulite oils are actively absorbed by the skin under the action of the water massage and enter the subcutaneous fatty layer where the cellulite is removed. Plus aromatic oils perfectly influence the metabolism, restore proper blood circulation and lymph flow, have a calming effect and relieve fatigue. With cellulite, it is best to use aromatic oils based on grapefruit, lemon, lime, mint, and rosemary.

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water therapy

How is water therapy for weight loss procedure conducted?

Water massage is carried out in the following ways:

  • Mixed water and air lead to the formation of micro bubbles. The openings in spa pools or ordinary baths are called nozzles.
  • Through them, the movement of these small bubbles is directed. So, the supply of jets based on water and air can be independently adjusted: reduce or increase in intensity or simply change shape.
  • In addition, you can carry out manual water massage at home, for which you just need to purchase a special nozzle that can create jets of varying water pressure.
  • So, filling the bathroom with water, you can easily adjust the water flow, direct it to specific areas in order to get rid of excess fat or, just for the purpose of relaxation. This massage is carried out both when standing or sitting.
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Please note that there are some contraindications which may lead to water therapy for weight loss side effects:

  • All diseases in acute stages of thrombosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Inflammation of the skin;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Tumors;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Hypertension in severe stages;
  • Myocardial infarction.
water therapy for weight loss procedure

Slimming baths: get rid of extra weight and relax

In the fight against cellulite and extra weight, special baths are very useful. There are a lot of water therapy for weight loss success stories which mention this procedure. It helps to improve the processes of metabolism in the necessary areas, remove slags, and rejuvenate the skin. You can make use of the baths at home by purchasing a special sea salt in the drugstore.

Just add half a kilo of salt in a bath with water of no more than body temperature. You can pour also add a dozen drops of aromatic oil and a cup of freshly brewed green tea. Lie in the bath for almost half an hour. Then rinse yourself in a shower.

water therapy for <a href=weight loss success stories" title="water therapy for weight loss success stories" />

Baths with aromatic oils

Anti-cellulite baths with the addition of aromatic oils perfectly help to remove excess fluid from tissues and burn calories. Do them every 2 days, for at least three weeks. You can take the oil from the petals of the orange tree (neroli), as well as all kinds of citrus oils (orange, mandarin, lemon, and grapefruit), pine oil, bergamot. Dissolve a dozen drops in cream and pour the substance into the bath.

aromatic oils

Turpentine for weight loss

More and more popular are interested in turpentine baths. To make such a bath, you need to buy a special solution of turpentine in the drugstore. Do not use chemical turpentine. You will only harm your skin.

Turpentine may be yellow (removes toxins, lowers blood pressure) and white (improves metabolism and blood supply, increases blood pressure). It is most effective to alternate them if the pressure is normal. It might be best to consult with a doctor.

It's better to make turpentine baths in the evening, not immediately after eating, but not when you're hungry. For a start, use 5ml of special solution for a bath. At the beginning, water should be just below the body temperature, but then you can gradually increase it to 40 degrees.

After taking a bath, for some time the burning of fat continues as well as increased secretion of perspiration. It is recommended to drink some tea afterwards. For preventive purposes, ten sessions 1-3 times a week are enough.

water therapy and relaxation

Different bath recipes

  • Tea baths: brew 4 small spoons of black tea, wait ten minutes, and pour it through a strainer into the bath.
  • Bath with lemon: thinly cut 2-3 lemons, pour in 0.5 liters of boiled water, wait for twenty minutes, and pour into the bath.
  • Orange bath: add bath salt to finely chopped fruits and 3 large spoons of olive oil, place the mixture in a bag of three layers of gauze, which is put in the bathing water.
  • Bath with honey: dilute 1 cup of honey in water and add to the bath. Soak yourself for about twenty minutes. Then rise and warmly wrap yourself. This procedure makes skin more silky and soft.
  • Bath with clay: dissolve 0.5 kg of clay in warm water. This bath improves blood flow, makes the skin supple and removes slags. Then you need to take a shower, wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and lie down for about twenty minutes.
  • Bath with cocoa: 1kg of sea salt, cinnamon, and vanillin - 1 small spoon each, 2 large spoons of coconut oil, jojoba and glycerin, 0.5 packs of cocoa. Put them all in a large container, add hot water, mix, and pour into the bath. The skin will then be smoothed out, becomes more tender and get rid of fat cells.
weight loss

Note that results will not appear after the first procedure. You will have to do it constantly to achieve the desired goal. Also, do not forget about the right diet. Water therapy is an effective auxiliary method, but nothing prevents you from doing fitness, jogging, eating healthy food, and using other methods to lose weight.

Be beautiful, slim, charming, feel confident and comfortable in the body you always dreamed about!

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