My Top Ten Shower & Bath Scenes In Movies

Ever since I reviewed John Carpenter’s The Ward & happened to mention the shower scene with Amber Heard, I see variations of the search term “Amber Heard shower scene” bringing someone to my blog on a daily basis. Pervs! So, screw it – I’ll make a list! Here are my top ten movie shower (or bath) scenes starting with the best:
1. Psycho
2. Hardware
Such an underrated cult classic! I never know anyone who has seen this movie. And the shower scene is awesome with one of the BEST movie songs ever – The Order Of Death by Public Image Limited.
3. Carrie
Dirty Pillows!
4. American Beauty
“This will be the high point of my day: It’s all downhill from here.”
5. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
“I recall Central Park in fall.”
6. Weird Science
“If you ever get the chance, shower with them. I did. Mmm, it’s a mindscrambler. Hurts so good.”
7. A Nightmare On Elm Street
One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…
8. The Shining
All work & no play makes Jack make-out with creepy dead woman.
8. It
Argh! Pennywise! Creepy f@#king clown!!! I don’t even want this damn picture on my blog!
10. Blade
Cool bloodbath (well, more like bloodSHOWER) club scene. Set to the tune of the Pump Panel remix of New Order’s Confusion.
Honorable Mentions:
Fatal Attraction
What Lies Beneath
Pretty Woman
The Big Lebowski
For the guys:
Starship Troopers (I hate this movie)
Words to bring the pervs in: Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Naked, Boobies. Lol! They’ll be disappointed – my list isn’t very hot or steamy. 😉
Here’s Amber Heard wet in the shower in The Ward:
Hardware shower scene with Public Image Ltd song The Order Of Death:
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