Six Bath Recipes For Sleep And Healing:

“The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day” Hippocrates Father Of Medicine:

You deserve to add a dash of magic and a good dose of therapeutic healing to your bath waters.  Bath recipes have been prescribed for thousands of years to detox, relax and nourish the body, mind and soul.  There are even bath recipes for manifesting, hang over cures and for steaming up your love life.

In the meantime, I’m sharing with you bath recipes to rejuvenate your physical, mental or emotional well being.

  1. Calm your nerves bath recipe
  2. Sleep like a baby bath recipe
  3. Removing other peoples negativity bath recipe
  4. A yogic cleansing bath recipe
  5. Love yourself more bath recipe
  6. Stop rushing bath recipe

Treat yourself tonight to a bath infused with herbs, oils, crystals, essences and ancient potions. It’s time to make a date with your body right now.

Six special bath recipes for sleep, relaxation and healing:

Over time I’ve gathered bath recipes from energy healers, from workshops around the world and books. Back in the years when I taught Feng Shui, I’d often prescribe a bath recipe to my students to help cleanse and strengthen their energy fields.

I believe all ingredients  need to be as organic and natural as possible to support the healing process.

1 – Calm Your Nerves Bath Recipe:

Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) sedates your nervous system.  It relaxes your muscles, releases toxins and is probably best known for reducing swelling. Magnesium is a mineral your nervous system and adrenals need in order to relax.

  • 1 cup of epsom salts
  • 4 tea light candles

Repeat this wonderful mantra from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh whilst lying in your bath:

Breathe in:  “I calm my body” Breathe out:  “I smile”.

As my yoga teacher is always saying in class, there is no where to go and no where to be here except here, now in the present moment. Enjoy.

Optional extras: Soft, soothing music.

Note: A foot bath of epsom salts is great for tired aching feet and after sport.

2 – Sleep Like A Baby Bath Recipe:

This recipe is from Mary Muryn book Water Magic which I talk about below.

  • A handful of chamomile flowers
  • 2 warm chamomile tea bag for your eyes
  • 1 cup of chamomile tea

Optional extra: homeopathy remedy of chamomile

Soak your fresh chamomile flowers in a bowl of hot water for 20 minutes.  Place your face over the bowl with a towel over your head. Enjoy inhaling the calming qualities of the chamomile for a few minutes.

Scoop off the flowers and pour the water into your bath. Place two warm chamomile tea bags over your eyes.  Make yourself a cup of chamomile tea.  If you really want to evoke the healing qualities of chamomile you can add a few pellets (or drops) of the homeopathic remedy chamomile.

Focus on your breathe and allow your body to surrender.

* 12 great reasons to start alternate nostril breathing:

3 – Removing Other Peoples Negativity Bath Recipe:

Sometimes we are effected by the negativity of other people, places or situations.

Note:Place one piece of black tourmaline and labrodrite (also a crystal) under your pillow for a good nights sleep. Labrodrite prevents energy leaks and seals your auric field.

4 -Yogic Aura Cleansing Bath:

Cleanses negativity from your aura and removes chemicals from your physical body.  Mary suggests soaking for 20 minutes and repeating each day for 7 days.  If you start to feel dizzy or weird leave bath immediately as you have successfully loosened and removed some negativity from your physical and energetic bodies. I personally have not done this one for 7 days but a few of my friends have and all rave about how awesome it is.

  • 1 lb Baking soda
  • 1 cup Sea salt

Optional extra: Mary suggests playing harp music or Tibetan bells whilst soaking in your bath.

5 -Love Yourself More Bath:

When things aren’t going your way, some days all you need is love.Open your heart chakra and invite more love into your body. This bath will encourage you to think less from the head and more from the heart.

  • A good piece of rose quartz crystal
  • 6-8 drops of rose essential oil
  • Rose water to spray onto your face

Mantra for you to repeat whilst soaking in the bath:  “Every cell in my body is loved and healthy”.

Optional extras: Organic dark chocolate, fresh rose petals if you happen to have a rose bush or treat yourself to a bunch. Love songs on your ipod

6 – Can’t Stop Rushing Bath Recipe:

Brings your scattered energies back into your body. Grounds and centres you.

  • 6 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 4 drops Vetiver is great for burnout and depression. Has a grounding and tranquil effect
  • Yoga eye pillow

Optional extras:Any black crystals like obsidian or black tourmaline have a very grounding effect.  Place a piece in your bath.

Water Magic:

If you happen to be a bath lover like me then I know you will absolutely love a book I discovered about 7 years ago calledWater Magic: Healing Bath Recipes for the Body, Spirit, and Soul written by Mary Muryn.  I’ve included a few of Mary’s bath recipes above. Thank you Mary, wherever you are in the world.



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