Our Seattle Townhouse Tour
Welcome to Kylee’s Seattle Townhouse tour!
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Hi friends! I’m back! And so soon, can you believe it?! I’m determined to share here more and also determined to get more done on my townhouse. Since I recently updated you on my living room and new sofa (you can catch up on that post here if you missed it) I thought I would show you around our townhouse so you can see how it looks these days, plus update you on any future decor plans I have.
I didn’t do much “styling” so you get to experience it as it really is–a work in progress! I’ll also try to share some behind the scenes videos and photos on my Instagram stories over the next couple days so you can get a better feel of the layout and things I didn’t show on this post!
My home is ever evolving, as I’m sure most are. We have such a mix of things that have been handed down to us, along with a few things we have purchased on our own over time. It’s always a bit of a challenge to mix the old with the new and work with the style of the home we have, but I kind of like how everything isn’t always cookie cutter.
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Our entry is pretty much the same as the last time I shared it with you, minus a few coats and shoes now that my sister has moved out. My staircase gallery wall is mostly IKEA frames and I think it’s due for some updating. I plan to trade out a couple frames for some thinner/sleeker ones and finally get around to adding some photos of our new pup Leo, considering it’s currently full of photos of Bella. Poor Leo, classic second child problem I suppose ;)
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I don’t think I showed you much of this corner where my bookshelf lives in my last post. I’ve had the shelf since I was in middle school (!) and it’s gone through many paint changes. It has become a bit wobbly over the years, so I will probably need a new one at some point. The shelves could use a little styling and we should declutter it a bit, but I never can seem to let go of books. You never know when you want to reference something or reread an old favorite. I may work for the company that makes Kindles, but I’m still an advocate for good old fashioned page-flipping!
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Keeping it real, this is probably one of my least favorite corners. It’s an awkward angled wall that makes arranging the room very difficult. I just recently borrowed those cute-as-a-button chairs from my mom until I can figure out what exactly I want in this room. I randomly put them here (facing the sofa) but decided I like how it takes attention away from the fireplace and TV. Because, UGH–that shiny black fireplace coupled with a big, black TV is just a sad, dark abyss and not something I want to call attention to. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a creative way to cover the hole but STILL have the TV for when we want it…any ideas?
It kind of reminds me of my mom’s old fireplace. Isn’t her makeover beautiful? It’s inspiring me…
The gold shelf is an IKEA hack. It’s this shelf, spray painted gold with marble contact paper on the top and bottom shelf. It was quite an upgrade and very affordable!
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Just a reminder of what the other side of my living room looks like!
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My kitchen is great and quite functional, but I’m not in love with the overall brown-ness or the shiny, black (impossible to keep clean) counters. I haven’t decided if we will change anything though because we know we don’t want to live here forever. What is here is great quality, so I’m not sure it’s worth the investment to change it. The last owners replaced the backsplash, which I’m happy about because it is a LOT better than what was there before!
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We don’t have any space for a dining table, so my husband Lance and I often end up eating on the sofa (I know, I know), but lately we have been making it a goal to eat at the island together more often. Eating at “the island” sounds almost like a romantic dinner destination, doesn’t it?
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I took this photo right before Courtney moved, so here was my coffee cart before she took her Nespresso with her. It still looks pretty much the same today, minus her coffee maker. I’m not bitter about it. But I may have to get a new one because I’m missing my easy push-of-a-button morning coffee! PSA: you can get organic and recyclable coffee pods! I switch between these pods or these pods.
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Our master bedroom is currently in the middle of a transition. We recently upgraded to a king sized bed and mattress, which I can tell you more about in a future post (organic latex–we love it!). The bed takes up most of the room now, so we have very little room for nightstands. We need to be able to open the closet door on the left at least halfway, ha!
The navy nightstands (seen in this post) went to my sister’s, so we are using these little tables while we are waiting for our new nighstands to arrive. I just ordered them and they are the perfect size! There is also a new ceiling light just sitting in a box, waiting to be put up. We’ve never changed out a light fixture before, so any tips for not getting electrocuted are welcomed ;)
Once we get the nightstands, we will say goodbye to those lamps. I’m thinking a blue one would be nice bring the blue out in the rug or maybe a task light? Also, there’s a lot of gray going on, so I’m considering painting the walls, which sounds awful. Have I mentioned I hate painting? I do.
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Sigh, Leo is just too much. Our dogs rule the house. Thus, the king-sized bed!
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Sweet Bella, always looking for the coziest and safest hideaway.
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He loves staring at himself in the mirror and basking in the diffuser.
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A couple snapshots of our guest bathroom. That shower curtain is a recent find from Urban Outfitters. It looks like it’s sold out, but they do have some similar ones!
So, there you have it! Our little abode. I didn’t show the powder room (it still looks exactly as it did here). I also didn’t show the guest room or Courtney’s old room as they are both completely in transition since she moved out. I’ll update you on what we do with those spaces when there’s more to share, and show you more in my Instagram stories soon!
Until next time!
Find the townhouse sources by scrolling through the images below.
Related Posts:
New Sofa and Living Room Decorating: Townhouse
Coffee Cart in the Townhouse
Townhouse Hallway Makeover
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