18 Useful Household Items You Can Make With a 3D Printer
When 3D printing first arrived, enthusiasts imagined a future of desktop factories, where people wouldn’t need to drive out to a store to get things they needed anymore. Instead, they could just download pre-made designs from the internet and print them from the comfort of their own home.
Ladies and gentlemen, that day has come.
Modern 3D printers may not be in every household quite yet, but the internet is already filled with millions of ready-to-print objects. Name practically any household item you could ever need, and there’s likely a printable version of it online. Not all these things are worth the spool of plastic they’re printed from, but a few of our favorites are downright genius — and totally free to download and print, right now.
Customizable box
These individual boxes allow you to easily organize your workstation, or that messy junk drawer. Need we say more?
Hollow Draudi
This 3D-printed thingamajig may have zero functionality, but it’s still rather impressive to behold. Put this little number on your desk, or beside your 100-pound cast-iron turntable, and you’ll have hours of small talk potential.
Capsule planter
There are hundreds of 3D-printed flower pots to choose from, but this simple capsule design is one of our favorites.
Fidget spinner
Fidget spinners have become wildly popular, and this model uses a small bearing and individual cups to catch wind — like a zap from your air duster. You can watch a clip of this gadget in action here.
Balancing wine rack
This curio adds a welcome touch of aesthetic whimsy to the traditional wine rack. How does it stay standing? Magic. Also, physics.
Ten-way drink dispenser
So you need to dole out 10 drinks, but you only have the energy for a single pour? Look no further than this quaffer’s dream. Bottoms up.
Outlet protectors
These 3D printed outlet plugs are an easy way to prevent children from inserting objects into electric outlets. The risk of electrocution aside, there’s nothing like a short circuit snafu to bring down household morale.
Pen holder
Do you have an inordinate number of pens and no place to arrange them? This twisted curio allows you to reward your inner hoarder and save that introspective conversation for another day.
Bottle opener
A bottle opener is always a handy tool to have at your disposal. Simply clip this gadget onto your keychain and you’ll be ready when thirst strikes.
Garden hose flow controller
The next time your trusty garden hose nozzle breaks, remember to remain calm. Just 3D print a new one and you’ll be back to watering your juniper bushes in no time.
Drink coasters
Countertop rings can be unsightly. Thankfully, coasters exist to save us from this unspeakable tragedy.
Guitar wall mount
These 3D-printed mounts allow you to showcase your favorite guitars, or simply keep them organized along the wall.
Windshield scraper
During a sudden snowstorm, a windshield scraper can be a regular godsend. If you forgot to plan ahead for the season, simply print this tool before venturing outside.
Measuring cup set
Measuring cups are crucial for the exact science of baking, and this 3D-printed set is arguably one of the more useful items on our list.
Garlic press
Some recipes call for pressed garlic and, thankfully, this garlic press takes the grunt work out of the process.
Chip clip
So you failed to completely demolish that bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in one sitting, huh? We’ve all been there. Thankfully, this handy clip will keep your choice munchies fresh until you’re ready to give them another go.
Toothpaste tube squeezer
Dental hygiene is nothing to laugh at, and neither are micro-ounces of wasted toothpaste. That said, this small clip will help you squeeze every last drop from the tube.
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